Financial Information


Quarterly earnings


Credit rating


국내 신용등급
Korea Ratings NICE Investors Service Korea Investors Service


국내 신용등급
Moody’s S&P
Baa2 BBB

Domestic rating criteria
Rating Definition
AAA The ability to repay principal and interest is at the highest level.
AA The ability to repay principal and interest is very strong, but somewhat inferior to AAA-rated bonds.
A The ability to repay principal and interest is good, but it is somewhat susceptible to the effects of adverse economic conditions and environmental factors compared to higher-rated entities.
BBB The ability to repay principal and interest is satisfactory, but there is a possibility that future repayment capacity may decline due to adverse economic conditions and environmental factors compared to higher-rated entities.
BB The ability to repay principal and interest is not an immediate concern, but it contains speculative elements that make future safety uncertain.
B The ability to repay principal and interest is lacking, making it speculative, and interest payments are uncertain during economic downturns.
CCC There are currently instability factors regarding the repayment of principal and interest, and the risk of default is high, making it very speculative.
CC There are greater instability factors compared to higher ratings.
C There is a high risk of default, and there is no ability to repay principal and interest.
D In a state of non-repayment.

Among the ratings from AA to B, plus (+) and minus (-) signs are added to indicate relative superiority or inferiority within the same rating.

국내 신용등급
Moody’s S&P Definition
Aaa AAA The ability to repay debt is very high. Stability is at the highest level.
Aa1/Aa2/Aa3 AA+/AA/AA- The ability to repay debt is high. It carries slightly more risk than AAA bonds, but stability is at a high level.
A1/A2/A3 A+/A/A- The ability to repay debt is sufficient, and stability is at an upper-middle level; however, it is somewhat susceptible to the effects of adverse economic conditions and environmental factors compared to higher ratings.
Baa1/Baa2/Baa3 BBB+/BBB/BBB- Stability is moderate. Current debt repayment ability is satisfactory, but there is a possibility that future repayment capacity may decline due to adverse economic conditions and environmental factors compared to higher ratings.
Ba1/Ba2/Ba3 BB+/BB/BB- The likelihood of default occurring in the near future is relatively low, but there is uncertainty regarding future safety, which introduces speculative elements.
B1/B2/B3 B+/B/B- If the management environment deteriorates, the likelihood of default increases, introducing speculative elements and raising the level of risk.
Caa1/Caa2/Caa3 CCC+/CCC/CCC- There is a possibility of default at present, which results in a high level of risk and many speculative elements.
Ca CC The likelihood of default is quite high at present, resulting in a very high level of risk.
C C Bankruptcy filing or similar situations may occur, but debt repayment is being made on a limited basis.
- D In a state of insolvency.

* Among the aforementioned ratings, Moody’s uses 1, 2, and 3, while S&P adds + and - to indicate the relative ranking within the same rating category.