Hyundai Steel will make a future through various value-creating social contributions
Social contribution strategy and implementation tasks
Hyundai Steel has established a social contribution strategy system under the sustainable management slogan “We Do in Sustainable H-ways,” and is actively
pursuing social contribution in the areas of Environment, Safety & Protection, and Next Generation. In addition, based on a community engagement framework, we
strive to fulfill our corporate social responsibility by communicating with various stakeholders and reflecting their needs in our community engagement
CSR 전략 및 추진 과제
Engineering the future beyond steel
Sustainability slogan
We do in sustainable H-ways
CSR mission
Value creation for future together
Key areas
Perseverance of healthy environment and ecosystem
Protecting Endangered Species
Safety & Protection
Creation of safe society and protection of socially vulnerable citizens
H-shaped Shining Road
Bench for Everyone
Next generation
Discovering future talents for new era
H Steel Atelier [Main Project]
Elementary School Archery Class
Dream School
Major projects
Protecting Endangered Species
H-shaped Shining Road
Bench for Everyone
H Steel Atelier [Main Project]
Elementary School Archery Class
Dream School
Operation method
Prioritizing areas near the business site and fostering cooperative communication with local residents
Promoting unique social contributions utilizing the characteristics and strengths of the company
Employee participation
Internalizing social value and spreading social impact
Social contribution roadmap
Establishment of social contribution foundation
Introduction of various social contribution systems
Launching of Employee Participation Fund System (2005 - Present)
Establishment of Employee Volunteer System
2008 - 2017
Expansion of social contribution participation
Participation of stakeholders such as employees and university students
University Volunteers : Happy Yes (2008 - 2018)
Employee Volunteers : House Repair for Hope (2009-2021)
2018 - 2023
Enhancement of social contribution system
Social contribution based on industry
Resource Circulation : Repurposing of Coffee Grounds (2018 - 2023)
Steel Art : H Steel Atelier (2018 - Present)
2024 - 2028
Strategic-based social contribution promotion
Environment, safety and protection, future generations
Future Generation : Elementary School Archery Class (2024)
Major social contribution projects
Repurposing of Coffee Grounds
Hyundai Steel has conducted a resource-circulating social contribution project, “Repurposing of Coffee Grounds” based on collaboration with Incheon
City, the Ministry of Environment, the Korea Productivity Center, and the K-Green Foundation. We established a resource circulation system that
collects coffee grounds generated in Incheon City and upcycles them into eco-friendly innovative products such as planters, bricks, and road paving
materials. This contributes to waste reduction in the community and creates job opportunities for vulnerable groups.
Activity photos
Safety & Protection
H-shaped Shining Road
Hyundai Steel has signed an agreement with Dangjin City, the Dangjin Police Station, and the Dangjin Welfare Foundation to promote the “H-shaped
Shining Road” project since 2021, with the goals of creating a sustainable safe city, preventing traffic crimes, and establishing a social a
Dangjin-type social safety net. The H-shaped Shining Road project involves the installation of safety-detecting LED lights at crosswalks in such
high-traffic areas as children protection zones and traditional markets, where traffic accidents occur frequently, to prevent accidents.
Safety-detecting LED lights provide psychological stability for pedestrians and help drivers easily identify crosswalks, thereby contributing to the
prevention of traffic accidents.
Safety & Protection
Bench for Everyone
Hyundai Steel has been conducting the “Bench for Everyone” proj ect since 2023 to expand facilities accessible to both people with disabilities and
those without, and to improve awareness of disabilities. We collaborated with architect Professor Hyun-Joon Yoo to design a user-friendly bench
model, and we are producing and installing it in partnership with the Purme Foundation, using our steel materials.
Activity photos
Next generation
H Steel Atelier
Hyundai Steel is conducting the social contribution project, "H Steel Atelier – Steel Public Art Project" to build cultural infrastructure in the
community through Steel and provide opportunities for emerging and young Steel artists to create their works. In 2018, we installed five sculptures
at the Dangjin Samsunsan Arboretum, in 2019, a total of four sculptures at the Suncheon Bay Institute of Eco-culture Education, and in 2023, a total
of four selected works at Songdo Central Park in Incheon.
Next generation
Elementary School Archery Class
Hyundai Steel has signed a business agreement with the Korea Archery Association to expand the base of school sports and promote archery as a
recreational sport, launching the “Elementary School Archery Class with Hyundai Steel” starting in 2024. We are developing and distributing a basic
model for the elementary School archery class, along with teaching materials and equipment. We are dispatching professional archery instructors,
including retired athletes, to conduct archery lessons during after-school programs and regular class hours.
Next generation
Dream School
Hyundai Steel is conducting the "Dream School" project in collaboration with World Vision India the international relief and development NGO,
targeting schools in the vicinity of its Chennai and Anantapur branches in India. We support stable power supply by renovating electrical facilities
within the schools and installing eco-friendly solar power systems to prevent frequent power outages caused by chronic power shortages. In addition,
we support students’ safety and hygiene by installing solar streetlights, building drainage facilities, providing toilets, and distributing
high-efficiency stoves, enabling children in India to focus on learning in a safe and comfortable environment.